Sunday's faith Formation classes are cancelled. Masses are still as scheduled. Monday faith Formation is as scheduled (as of Saturday night - may change if snow is worse than expected).
On the morning of the National March for Life, participate (online) in the Rally and Mass for Life featuring nationally recognized speakers and musicians. See to register and for more information. All may participate online (including the "young at heart").
The March for Life Rally and march to the Supreme Court will be broadcast online for you to join virtually. You are invited to join online for the broadcast by RSVPing at On January 29th, you will receive a link in your email inbox containing the link to watch the March for Life Rally and march.
You’re invited to join thousands of Catholics nationwide in prayer for the respect of human life during a special novena called 9 Days for Life. Visit to sign up to receive daily intentions and brief reflections from January 21st through the 29th.