R.C.I.A. is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a gradual process of initiation in the Catholic Faith through prayer, study, discussion, and ritual for:
Unbaptized adults who wish to explore the Catholic Faith and to possibly prepare for the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Adults who have been baptized in another Christian community who want to learn more about the Catholic religion and be received into the Faith.
Baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation and who desire to enter fully into the community of the Catholic Church, perhaps as preparation for Marriage in the Church.
There are four stages or periods with rites or ceremonies as gateways between them, celebrated within a Sunday Mass or at a formal diocesan celebration. These rites mark and empower the spiritual growth of the Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (baptized) as they prepare for full membership in the Church.
This is a stage of informal meetings, a time of evangelization-sharing the Gospel, answering questions, and introduction to basic Catholic life, prayers, and teachings. Inquirers strive to open their hearts to the Gospel and the workings of the Holy Spirit and begin the conversion process, as the Church helps them discern whether God is calling them into the Catholic Church.
Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens / Rite of Welcoming
After being placed in formal relationship with the Church through the Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming, the Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (baptized) enter a period of receiving gradual and systematic instruction in the teachings of the Catholic Faith based on the Catechism, as well as a time of formation in prayer and works of charity. They also receive special blessings and prayers and participate on Sundays in the Breaking Open the Word-a shared discussion on the meaning of the Scriptures for their lives.
Rite of Election / Call to Continuing Conversion
Through the Rite of Election, the Catechumens and Candidates enter into this period which corresponds with the season of Lent. This is an intense time of prayer, discernment, and spiritual preparation for the Easter sacraments. Catechumens and Candidates continue to Break Open the Word on Sundays and to receive special blessings, help in scrutinizing their hearts, and the Presentations of the Creed and Lord’s Prayer.
Sacraments of Initiation - Easter Vigil
Following Easter until Pentecost, we “unfold the Mysteries” that have taken place. The Gospels in this period are given so that together we might reflect on what this new life in Christ means and how the newly initiated can become more a part of parish life. It is dedicated to deepening the Christian experience, for spiritual growth and for entering more fully into the life and unity of the community. The newly baptized and newly received begin their neophyte year which continues until Easter Vigil the following year.
If you know someone who is thinking about joining the Church, encourage them to call - sometimes all one needs is to be asked. Offer to become a sponsor, catechist, team member, Sunday Word minister or help with hospitality. Donate money for bibles, catechisms, missals, candles, crosses, etc.Pray for those in the RCIA process.
Sponsors are members of the Catholic community who make the journey with individuals in the RCIA process. The sponsors (or godparents) role is to:
Witness their own faith to their candidate (or catechumen) by modeling the Christian life and providing practical information about Catholic life and practices
Assist them at the weekly sessions and introduce them to other parishioners; accompany them on certain Sundays and session nights for special Rites and at the Easter Vigil; pray for them
Give testimony of their candidate’s (or catechumen’s) spiritual growth and readiness to be received into the Church
To be a sponsor (or godparent) one needs to be at least age 16, a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church, and have already received the sacrament of Confirmation.
If you, or someone you know is interested in knowing more about the Catholic way of life, with the possibility of becoming a member of the Church, or a Catholic who wishes to complete their initiation, please contact Tess Crowe at [email protected]. Please consider sharing your time and your faith with those who are knocking at our door asking to join our Catholic family. This is both a powerful and prayerful ministry, and is at the core of the Church’s mandate to “Go… and make disciples…” [Mt 28:19-20]. Your own faith-life will be renewed and enriched! Please keep all those involved in the RCIA process in your prayers.
Contactar a Damaritza Ortiz [email protected] o 301-737-3526.